Updated navigation

Updated navigation

Oct 24, 2024

We've updated the dashboard navigation. There's been new items added, as well as some interface and interaction improvements all around.

  • New icons for Risk score and Theming to be more clear about what they are. Also more graphically synchronized with the other icons in the navigation.

  • Font updated to better line-height as well as the font size being reduced slightly to make the area more compact.

  • Applications and Entities now have arrows next to them. If you hover, you'll see the pages underneath these, which allows you to go to any sub-page directly (previously, you'd had to click Entities, and then click i.e. "Organizations" to reach it, while now, you'll hover and instantly click "Organization".

  • As shown in the image below, you can now reach a sub-page with smoother cursor movement; there's an area where we’ve made sure the cursor will still keep the unfolded navigation open. Makes it easier to go straight to “Individuals” in this case.

  • Logo area changed, logo updated, logo rezised.

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