Bits Technology media assets

Bits Technology media assets

Bits Technology media assets

Resources for presenting the Bits Technology brand consistently and professionaly. Also, downloadable asset folder to use for media when publishing about Bits Technology.

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"Bits Technology" consists of two words, both always capitalized: "Bits" and "Technology." This is the official name of both our company and our application (the Bits Technology product).


Ensure ample spacing around Bits assets. Whether large or small, they should have enough room to stand out. Avoid making them feel crowded or congested.


Use the Bits Technology logotype in all references to Bits Technology whenever space permits.


In tight layouts or logo-only grids, the Bits Technology's symbol provides a compact way to represent Bits Technology. Use it thoughtfully based on your audience, as the symbol carries stronger brand recognition.


Bits Technology's colors are mainly black, white and beige.



R248 G230 B207



R255 G255 B255


R18 G18 B18
