

Get your next customer onboarded, safely knowing that everything is a green light, making your partnership rock solid from the get-go.

Get your next customer onboarded, safely knowing that everything is a green light, making your partnership rock solid from the get-go.

Workflow builder

Workflow builder

Workflow builder

Craft custom flows effortlessly, integrating targeted checks. Tailor your approach to diverse markets, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Craft tailored processes effortlessly with adaptable checks.

Target multiple markets, while ensuring compliance

Collaborate and drag-and-drop new flows to go live in minutes




Every question you might need to ask your potential business partners, in one easy-to-setup questionnaire. Improve your user experience, secure your compliance and use our verified questionnaire.

Every question available

Drag-and-drop to make it suit your needs

Drag-and-drop to make it suit
your needs

Great user experience

No-code onboarder

No-code onboarder

No-code onboarder

Build a customized onboarding and customer monitoring solution without having to produce a single line of code with our No-code onboarding flow. It's coded, translated, UX verified and ready to ship.

Up and running in minutes

Everything coded and ready to launch with a click

Translated, designed, UX verified

Customize it fully with your brand

Get the results in the dashboard

Get the results in the dashboard

Get the results in the dashboard

All companies that completes the No-code you configured will go through all the checks needed. The result will appear instantly in the Bits dashboard. In there, you can investigate further or make a decision if this is an entity you want to connect with.

All checks neatly presented in the Bits dashboard

Every check requested will be presented and actionable

All data in one place

Solve real problems

We empower industry leaders and disruptive startups to dominate their markets with our innovative tools.

Christoffer Rutgersson
CEO of Qliro

"We are accelerating our onboarding process together with Bits Technology and capitalizing on our growth initiatives across Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Our partnership with Bits Technology enhances our ability to streamline merchant onboarding while ensuring exceptional service, compliance, and transparency, key pillars for our partners' success”

Peter Björkman
CTO at Cool Company

"Selecting Bits Technology as our strategic partner aligns with our commitment to delivering great user experiences. We recognized the importance of a solution capable of accommodating onboarding workflows across different markets."

Ray Brash
COO at CleverCards

"With Bits Technology’s automated workflow builder, we can efficiently accelerate onboarding timelines globally while maintaining the compliance and transparency our partners expect."

Solve real problems

We empower industry leaders and disruptive startups to dominate their markets with our innovative tools.

Christoffer Rutgersson
CEO of Qliro

"We are accelerating our onboarding process together with Bits Technology and capitalizing on our growth initiatives across Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Our partnership with Bits Technology enhances our ability to streamline merchant onboarding while ensuring exceptional service, compliance, and transparency, key pillars for our partners' success”

Peter Björkman
CTO at Cool Company

"Selecting Bits Technology as our strategic partner aligns with our commitment to delivering great user experiences. We recognized the importance of a solution capable of accommodating onboarding workflows across different markets."

Ray Brash
COO at CleverCards

"With Bits Technology’s automated workflow builder, we can efficiently accelerate onboarding timelines globally while maintaining the compliance and transparency our partners expect."

Solve real problems

We empower industry leaders and disruptive startups to dominate their markets with our innovative tools.

Christoffer Rutgersson
CEO of Qliro

"We are accelerating our onboarding process together with Bits Technology and capitalizing on our growth initiatives across Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Our partnership with Bits Technology enhances our ability to streamline merchant onboarding while ensuring exceptional service, compliance, and transparency, key pillars for our partners' success”

Peter Björkman
CTO at Cool Company

"Selecting Bits Technology as our strategic partner aligns with our commitment to delivering great user experiences. We recognized the importance of a solution capable of accommodating onboarding workflows across different markets."

Ray Brash
COO at CleverCards

"With Bits Technology’s automated workflow builder, we can efficiently accelerate onboarding timelines globally while maintaining the compliance and transparency our partners expect."

Build your

workflow now

Try our workflow builder, have a look around the many capabilities we offer in our dashboard to solve your business needs.

Build your

workflow now

Try our workflow builder, have a look around the many capabilities we offer in our dashboard to solve your business needs.

Build your

workflow now

Try our workflow builder, have a look around the many capabilities we offer in our dashboard to solve your business needs.

Security first

Verified providers


Encrypted data

GDPR compliant

Security first

Verified providers


Encrypted data

GDPR compliant

Security first

Verified providers


Encrypted data