Bits Technology launches automated KYB in Italy

Bits Technology launches automated KYB in Italy

Sep 17, 2024

Conducting Know Your Business (KYB) checks in Italy presents several challenges, from navigating a complex regulatory environment to dealing with fragmented data sources and language barriers. At Bits Technology, we understand these obstacles and have developed an automated onboarding platform that makes KYB and compliance easier, faster, and more efficient for businesses operating in Italy.

  • Simplifying Regulatory Compliance
    Our platform is designed to stay up-to-date with both Italian and EU regulations, including AML directives. With real-time updates and automated processes, you no longer need to worry about missing compliance changes. We ensure your business remains aligned with the latest legal requirements, so that you can focus on growth without the compliance headaches.

  • Unified Access to Business Data
    Bits Technology integrates multiple business registries and data sources across Italy into a single platform. This provides you with instant access to accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date business information. Eliminating the need to manually search through fragmented sources and ensuring a user-friendly onboarding.

  • Overcoming Language and Documentation Barriers
    Our platform handles the complexities of local Italian documentation, automatically processing and verifying documents in Italian and converting them into usable data. This significantly reduces the time spent on manual document reviews and ensures compliance even when dealing with complex ownership structures.

With Bits Technology’s automated KYB and compliance platform, businesses in Italy can enjoy a seamless onboarding experience, reducing risk, saving time, and staying fully compliant with both local and international regulations.

Reach out to our Commercial team, Fredrik, Oscar or Erland to get a demo.

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